Alternative Investing

Is Your Equity Hedge Fund Portfolio Resilient Enough for Uncertain Times?

We analyze the historical macroeconomic sensitivity of traditional asset classes and major hedge fund strategies. We show that the average hedge fund is unlikely to provide meaningful diversification during periods of macro uncertainty, which are also typically difficult for traditional assets. However, long/short low-risk strategies have tended to exhibit low macro sensitivity.


A Fresh Look at Multi-Strategy Alternatives

In this short piece, we review the case for multi-strategy alternatives, explaining why liquid, diversifying alternative strategies may have a decisive role to play in the tougher investment environment ahead.


Driving with the Rear-View Mirror

U.S. equities enjoyed a banner past decade. To analyze what assumptions investors need to have about the next ten years to expect a repeat performance, we decompose U.S. equity market excess-of-cash returns into four components – dividend yield, real earnings growth, multiple expansion, and the real return on cash.

Asset Allocation

Rethinking DC Portfolio Diversification

We make the case for an allocation to liquid alternatives as a viable and versatile complement to existing DC portfolios.

Asset Allocation

Rethinking DC Portfolio Diversification

We make the case for an allocation to liquid alternatives as a viable and versatile complement to existing DC portfolios.


Corporate Arbitrage

We introduce the main corporate arbitrage strategies, make the case for a multi-strategy approach, and review the role of a corporate arbitrage allocation within a broader portfolio.


Certainly Uncertain

We certainly find ourselves in uncertain times – but how uncertain are they? We show macro uncertainty is currently high versus history. We also address whether elevated macro uncertainty is likely to persist, or if we should instead expect a return to the low uncertainty environment. Lastly, we address the implications for investors, both in terms of possible returns to traditional assets, and as to what alternatives might prosper or decline in such an environment.

Trend Following

Economic Trend

“Economic trend” capitalizes on the tendency for new information to have a persistent impact on asset prices by positioning in each market on the basis of trends in macroeconomic fundamentals. The strategy has realized consistently attractive risk-adjusted returns over a 50+ year sample, and performance is pervasive across both markets and measures. While it is a close relative of price trend-following, the two strategies are highly complementary.


Re-Emerging Equities

The expected premium for investing in emerging versus developed equity markets is on the upper end of its past 25-year range. At the same time, many of the risks historically associated with emerging markets have secularly declined. We believe there is a strong case for investors to “re-up” their emerging allocations.

ESG Investing

How Portfolios Can Impact the Real Economy

To help clarify how investors seeking impact through their financial portfolios can affect the direction of corporate decision making, we analyze the two channels of influence – direct control and changing the cost of capital. We argue that there are no other first-order mechanisms for a financial portfolio to have “impact” beyond these. As a real-world example, we apply these insights to the portfolio “net zero” initiative.