Gregor M. Andrade

23 years of experience
21 years at AQR
Ph.D., University of Chicago
B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Gregor Andrade is a Principal and Global Head of Institutional Business Development at AQR Capital Management. In this role, he oversees institutional business development and client services globally. Prior to joining AQR in 2003, Gregor was an assistant professor of finance at Harvard Business School after having worked as a mergers and acquisitions analyst at Wasserstein Perella. He has been published in academic journals and won an Amundi Smith Breeden Award for an article in The Journal of Finance. Gregor earned a B.S. in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Ph.D. in finance from the University of Chicago’s Graduate School of Business.


Recent Contributions

Member of the Advisory Council of the AQR Asset Management Institute at London Business School.

Winner of the Smith Breeden Prize for his research (1998).

Formerly an assistant professor of finance at Harvard Business School.

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