
Our investment philosophy is based on three core principles, built on decades of research and experience. By applying these principles, we seek to deliver sustainable, long-term value for our investors.

Fundamental Investing

We rely on sound economic theory and analysis to help us deliver long-term, repeatable results. 


Systematically Applied

A disciplined methodology underlies everything we do.  Our investment process, built over 20 years, is based on a continuous process of design, refine, test, repeat.  


Thoughtfully Designed

In portfolio construction, risk management and trading, we seek additional value for our clients. Using both qualitative and quantitative tools, we’re meticulous in every detail of the investment process.    



For 25 years, our goal has been to build portfolios that deliver active returns within a risk-controlled framework.  We apply our systematic approach across our strategies, catering to the widespread investment needs of our clients.

Strategies Logo


AQR has a long track record of managing the complexities of alternative strategies. We offer both absolute return strategies, which target zero exposure to traditional markets, either at all times, or on average; and total return strategies, which additionally seek to capture premia from traditional markets. 

Alt Invest


AQR is committed to helping our clients achieve their Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) goals. Our primary objective for considering ESG issues is improving the risk/return trade-off of our clients' investments. We provide investors a variety of options to achieve their ESG objectives. Find out more about our ESG solutions and philosophy.

ESG Strategies

Tax-Aware Investing

AQR’s tax-aware approach is informed by decades of research and experience managing traditional and alternative investment strategies. Our research has created new possibilities for U.S. taxable investors. Learn more about our tax-aware approach and solutions

Investment Vehicles

AQR strategies are available in a variety of investment vehicles, from offshore limited partnerships to mutual funds and UCITS funds.

Invest Vehicles

AQR does not provide legal, tax or accounting advice. Investors should conduct his or her own analysis and consult with professional advisors prior to making any investment decisions. Diversification does not eliminate the risk of experiencing investment loss. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Investment process is subject to change.