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Data Set

AQR Momentum Indices, Monthly

We have developed methodologies for U.S. and international markets that capture momentum in an intuitive and transparent way. The methodology can be applied to any universe of stocks. We have included monthly data for our three momentum indices here.

Data Set

How Do Factor Premia Vary Over Time? A Century of Evidence, Factor Data Monthly

This is the updated data set related to the paper “How Do Factor Premia Vary Over Time? A Century of Evidence,” in which we examine four prominent factor premia – value, momentum, carry, and defensive – over a century from six asset classes.

Data Set

Value and Momentum Everywhere: Factors, Monthly

We have updated and extended the data set for the paper, “Value and Momentum Everywhere.” Our research shows consistent value and momentum return premia in eight diverse markets and asset classes, and a common factor structure among their returns.

Data Set

Value and Momentum Everywhere: Portfolios, Monthly

We have updated our data set for our paper “Value and Momentum Everywhere,” in which we find consistent value and momentum return premia across eight diverse markets and asset classes, and a common factor structure among their returns.

Working Paper

Understanding Momentum and Reversals

Stock momentum, long-term reversal, and other past return characteristics that predict future returns also predict future realized betas, suggesting these characteristics capture time-varying risk compensation.

Journal Article

How Do Factor Premia Vary Over Time? A Century of Evidence

We examine four prominent factor premia – value, momentum, carry, and defensive – over a century from six asset classes. The results offer support for time-varying risk premia models with important implications for theory seeking to explain the sources of factor returns.

Journal Article

Factor Momentum Everywhere

Can individual factors be reliably timed based on their recent performance? This study of 65 widely-studied, characteristic-based equity factors aims to find out.

Data Set

Value and Momentum Everywhere: Original Paper Data

This is the original data set used for our paper “Value and Momentum Everywhere,” in which we find consistent value and momentum return premia across eight diverse markets and asset classes, and a common factor structure among their returns.

Working Paper

Implementing Momentum: What Have We Learned?

We use seven years of live data to evaluate the implementability of momentum investing.


You Can Have Your Momentum Factor and Eat it Too

Many investors are quick to dismiss momentum as too costly to implement because of its high turnover. After studying 7 years’ worth of live, real-world data across markets, we debunk that myth.