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White Paper

Are SPACs Still Alive?

The recent rise and fall of SPAC issuance and the poor returns of SPAC mergers might suggest that SPACs are a flash in the pan, but this is far from the truth. To the contrary, SPACs have been a compelling asset class for more than two decades. We explore the SPAC market, its history, and its investment characteristics, including why we believe SPACs are a safe investment when managed properly, with the potential for significant upside.

White Paper

Corporate Arbitrage

We introduce the main corporate arbitrage strategies, make the case for a multi-strategy approach, and review the role of a corporate arbitrage allocation within a broader portfolio.

White Paper

Market Crashes and Merger Completions

A primary concern in mergers and acquisitions is the risk that the deal may be cancelled before completion. We document that this "interim risk" varies asymmetrically with the aggregate stock market: When the market falls sharply, cash deals are more than twice as likely to be cancelled.


Meet the Expert: Todd Pulvino on Diversified Arbitrage

Todd Pulvino, Principal of CNH Partners, an affiliate of AQR, explains what Diversified Arbitrage strategies are and how they tend do perform during different economic cycles.


Words From the Wise: An AQR Interview with Ed Thorp

We sat down with Ed Thorp, a pioneer in the mathematical analysis of casino games and investing, to get his insights on an array of topics from casino gambling to quantitative investing.

Working Paper

Learning, Dispersion of Beliefs, and Risk Premiums in an Arbitrage-Free Term Structure Model

In this paper, researchers explore the idea that knowing how much professionals disagree about how quickly the U.S. economy is emerging from a recession may produce actionable insight into the future performance of the bond market.

Journal Article

The Limits to Arbitrage and the Low-Volatility Anomaly

Researchers have found that a strategy of buying prior low volatility stocks and selling prior high volatility risk stocks has historically generated substantial abnormal returns in the U.S.

Journal Article

Arbitrage Crashes and the Speed of Capital

Modern finance theory rests on the ability of arbitrageurs to ensure that substantially similar assets trade at substantially similar prices.

White Paper

Arbitrage: A Brief Introduction

Arbitrage strategies use relative-value trades to generate potential excess returns with attractive risk profiles. We offer a brief introduction to arbitrage, including descriptions of several common strategies and an overview of historical performance.

White Paper

The Limits of Convertible Bond Arbitrage

Convertible bond arbitrage suffered abysmally after the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008. This case study looks at how these strategies can break down in times of crisis, and the opportunities they offer in the aftermath.